Desk of the Nightfly

My thoughts on the world.

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Location: Buffalo, NY

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Leak"? I don't think so....

Why do they keep calling this bit in the Gulf a "leak"? It's not a leak.

Water dripping from a pipe is a leak. Grease coming out from the bottom of the hibachi through a crack in the base is a leak. When I use the bathroom, I'm usually taking a leak.

The Gulf? The oil has been gushing out of that thing. That's why they call these things "gushers" on land. The fact that it's uncontrolled (or barely/slightly controlled) doesn't change that. So don't minimize this colossal fuck-up by calling it a "leak." You're insulting my intelligence.

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Filibuster? Bring it.

Okay, I just surfed to this TPM article:

The Rise Of Cloture: How GOP Filibuster Threats Have Changed The Senate

Old news, but it really shows how the party of No and of No Ideas handles things when in the minority these days.

With nothing significant to contribute to the debate, and no desire to spend time and energy offering genuine alternatives beyond the ritual invoking of the magical, cure-all of tax cuts, the GOP's only 'contribution' is stalling and avoiding votes they'll lose by threatening with filibusters.

I've said it before, but really, the Democrats are partially to blame, too. They need to just call them on the threat, let some fool babble on and on about anything and everything, from chili recipes to a reading of a dog-eared copy of Machiavelli's "The Prince." Maybe a reading of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Federalist Papers, just to familiarize the current GOP crop with them.

Then, when the little prick collapses and an ambulance comes to haul him away, just say "Okay, that was interesting, I didn't even know that bit about raising Chihuahuas. Now, let's get back to actual work and vote. What, the Repugs are a man short? What a shame. Tough noogies, kids."

Seriously - just call them on it. Let them talk and talk, let them show the country how much they want to continue their brilliant strategy of, you know, doing nothing, then when they're done, have the goddamned vote anyway and get things done.

Simple fact - you let someone threaten you often enough, and they'll do it any time they want, because threats are easy. Following through - that's hard. Make them put up until they shut up.

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